How to install AVReporter v4.0 demo system

Discussion in 'Installation' started by Szarka László, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. The demo system package contains the required databases and reports for AVReporter.

    Installation requirements:
    You need install the AVReporter v4.0 software and register it before follow these installation steps.
    The default database instance (.\KONSYS) is also required for install.

    After you receive the latest package of AVReporter demo system from KONsys, you need follow these steps to install it:

    1. Start the Configuration Backup & Restore Plugin module from Desktop Maneger:


    2. Please set the following settings in the Backup & Restore module:

    - Browse the path of the demo system zip file (
    - Set your database settings. If you install the AVReporter with the default database settings, you not need change the database settings sections.



    If you have some SQL Server related problem during the resotre process, please extract the ASPNETDB.BAK and AVREPORTER.BAK file from the zip file and restore the databases with SQL Server Management Studio.

    Shift demo data timestamps to today:

    You can shift the timestamp values with the following bat file:
    [Zip file]\Demo database scripts\TimeShiftDatalogToToday.bat
    (Execute this file as administrator)

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