How to install new (custom) languages to AVReporter

Discussion in 'Localization' started by Varga Ádám, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Varga Ádám

    Varga Ádám Guest

    Users are able to add new languages to AVReporter very easy.
    The language definitions and words in AVReporter are containted in an .mdb file, called languages.mdb.
    When users receive a new language pack, they contain the following files:
    • languages01.mdb
    • language.mdb
    • AVRAdvisor.xml
    Be advised, it is highly recommended to make backups of the original files before replacing them!

    Installation Steps
    - Step 1:
    Replace the languages01.mdb file located inside your Program Files\KONsys\AVReporter\LanguageModule folder. This file is responsible for handling the languages on the desktop interface of the software.

    - Step 2:
    Replace the language.mdf file, located in your C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AVRWebPublisher\language folder. This file is responsible for handling the languages in Webpublisher

    - Step 3:
    Replace the AVRAdvisor.xml file, located in your Program Files(x86)\KONsys\AVReporter\bin folder . This file is responsible for handling the languages of the AVReporter Advisor software.

    After you finished with the installation of the new languages, it is recommended to restart your system, and empty the cache and browsing history of your web-browser to make sure language changes are applied on the web interface too!

    Attached Files:

    • 1.png
      File size:
      29.1 KB

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