How to Install AVRWebpublisher 3.0 to Windows 8 (64 bit) Evniroment

Kategória: 'WebPublisher', témanyitó: Varga Ádám, téma nyitása: Márc 6, 2014.

  1. Varga Ádám

    Varga Ádám Guest

    This is the procedure of installing AVRWebpublisher 3.0 to a 64 bit Windows 8 Enviroment (Step by step tutorial)

    1, Open "Programs and Features".

    2, Select "Turn Windows features on or off"

    3, In case you do not have .NET 3.5 Framework installed, install it first. You must also select the "Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation" item.

    4, Check Internet Information Services

    5, There are also 2 items that need to be selected. One is "IIS 6 Management Compatibility", and the other are the ASP.NET Features. Click on the screenshots to see where they are located.
    Note: ASP.NET items will automatically tick other features, this is normal, leave them checked.
    4.png 5.png

    6, Click "OK" to apply these features. The installation can last from 5 minutes to 20.

    7, Install AVRWebpublisher, using the AVReporter Installer. Note: if you installed the software earlier than enabling the features above, you shouldn't have any issues either.
    Make sure you already installed the AVReporter Database and SQL Server 2012.

    8, Once the installation finished, you must enable write permission for your "wwwroot" folder inside "inetpub" for the approriate users. In our example we give write permission for everyone.

    9, Open Internet Information Services properties by clicking on Start menu and typing "IIS".

    10, Select "Application Pools".
    Right click on .NET v2.0 and select Advanced Settings

    11, Set "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to True. Press OK.

    12, Right click on "AVRWebpublisher" -> Manage Application -> Advanced Settings.

    13, Set Application Pool to .NET v2.0.
    By deafult the database of AVReporter (AVRDATA) is installed under it's own instance, called KONSYS. The database connection inside AVRWebpublisher connects to the default KONSYS\AVRDATA database, however if you installed your system on a different instance, make sure you edit the connection parameters.​
    Open the AVRWebpublisher folder and edit the Web.config file (usually you need administrator privileges to do that).​
    In the 44-45. line you will see the connection parameters. starting with:​
    Kód beillesztése:
    <add name="KONSYSUSERSQLInstanceCS" connectionString="data source=.\KONSYS.................................................
    In both lines modify the "source" parameter to the current instance. For example in my case, I installed the database under the default SQLEXPRESS database, my connection parameter is​
    Kód beillesztése:

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