AVR empty datasource error

Discussion in 'AVReporter Questions' started by kovecses.balazs, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Question:
    "When I try to do a simple report, I get the "Empty Datasource" error.
    What else should I check?

    Please follow these instructions:
    1. Please check SQL Server. There must be AVREPORTER and aspnetdb databases.
    2. Please check settings in AVRRealtimeDataService config file. (C:\Program Files\KONsys\AVReporter\AVR Real-time DataService\RealTime_DataService.exe.config)
    3. Please restart „AVRRealtimeDataService” service.
    4. Please run Realtime Device manager. Please check the log settings in template device driver:


    5. Please check the AVReporter registration. Do you have enough device licenses ?
    6. The following video shows you how can you check the Realtime Service status with WCF test client:

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